domingo, 24 de outubro de 2010

Shiatsu Infantil

Actualmente, cada vez mais se promove a ausência do toque na relação. Assim que o bebé nasce, diz-se logo “não lhe dês muito colo, senão habitua-lo mal”.
As crianças são colocadas nas espreguiçadeiras ou baby cock durante várias horas, sem o seu precioso colo, aconchego e o tão precioso toque, que está provado que todos os seres humanos necessitam.
Segundo Montagu (1988) “as experiências tácteis desempenham um papel importante no crescimento e desenvolvimento de todos os mamíferos” e “o organismo vivo depende em grande medida, da estimulação do mundo externo para seu crescimento e desenvolvimento”.

O Shiatsu promove um conhecimento dos limites existentes do próprio corpo, dos movimentos e da integração que existe entre pensar e agir. A criança passa a perceber o seu próprio limite e consequentemente reconhecer o limite entre ela e as outras pessoas e o mundo.
As experiências tácteis promovem uma nova e forte consciência do eu e do corpo.

Com um aumento da consciência de si mesmo, surge uma nova consciência dos sentimentos, pensamentos e ideias.
O Shiatsu através do toque possibilita a vivência do afecto, do cuidado consigo mesmo e quanto mais cedo se começar, melhores resultados terá quando atingir a idade adulta.

O Shiatsu infantil contém elementos fundamentais para o desenvolvimento do ser humano, proporcionando um bem-estar bio-fisico-emocional e espiritual, criando tendências positivas no decorrer do seu crescimento, levando à formação de uma personalidade com estrutura e equilibrada.
O Shiatsu é uma terapia corporal que se baseia na MTC, incide nos músculos, estrutura óssea, fascia, canais energéticos (meridianos).

No Shiatsu Infantil, de acordo com o diagnóstico elaborado pelo terapeuta, pode direccionar o tratamento tendo por base os seguintes objectivos/ actividades:

■Promover a relação pais/ filhos: através do ensino aos pais de técnicas de Shiatsu.

■Realizar terapia Shiatsu pelo terapeuta.


■Crianças hipercinéticas/ hiperactivas
■Crianças com dificuldades de concentração
■Depressão, diminuição da ansiedade
■Fortalecimento do Sistema imunitário
■Atingir a calma interior
■Encarar a noite com mais tranquilidade
■Aumento da auto-estima, segurança, entre outros.
■Diminuição das manifestações psicossomáticas.
■Indicações referidas no Shiatsu para adultos


sábado, 23 de outubro de 2010


Sea Shell Art


by Brenda Ponnay

bawk! squack!

Have you ever come home from vacation with a collection of shells you don’t know what to do with? Maybe you live at the beach like we do and somehow find yourself coming home with them in your pockets even when you try not to. It’s easy to do. They are so pretty and beg to be collected. However it can sometimes be challenging to know what to do with them once you get them home. We say gift them as art!

our shells are not very exotic

We decided to kick it up a notch with our shells this month and gave them a light color wash with acrylic paint. It’s not that they aren’t beautiful already in their natural state it was just something fun to do to while away an otherwise long boring summer afternoon.

painting shells is a hit

If you are looking for a way to keep your kids occupied, this is it. My daughter spent hours daintily painting shell after shell. By the end of the afternoon we had quite a collection!

pretty painted shells

We also had some really pretty butcher paper that I intend to recycle into greeting cards later (but that’s another post). If you do this, save your paper! It makes great wrapping paper.

making shell art

After all the shells were painted we let them dry for a day. Then we took our whole collection of painted and unpainted shells on a play date and let our friends have fun with them too. I set out the shells, some paint mixed with water and some white glue to paint with too. Most of the kids made collages, some made flowers and some wanted to paint more shells! I told you it was a kid-captivator! Funny how that works.

shell art

I wasn’t quite done with this craft yet. I wanted to see the shell art framed.

thrift store frames

We found some cheap thrift store frames and painted them black.

working hard

Inside-out shirts make great painting smocks too when you don’t want to completely ruin your clothes.

blue wash

With some more watered-down acrylic paint, I gently painted some sheets of watercolor paper cut to fit the frames. Then I broke out the glue-gun (unlike the kids I didn’t really like the sticky white glue much) and had a go at making my own collage. The kids made beach scenes and flowers but I had a chicken in mind.

piecing together a bird or a chicken

With a pearl for an eye, he came together. A few strokes of black for his legs and he was done! Then I popped him and some others into their frames and voila! ART!

all done!

Now to find somebody to gift these to….

Para brincar ao Halloween...

Ora aqui estão duas ideias para disfarces de Halloween. Um dia que está cada vez mais, a ser celebrado aqui em Portugal.

Still looking for a Halloween costume for your kiddo? Here’s an easy way to turn a t-shirt into an owl costume in a couple of hours. If you don’t have a sewing machine, you can simply glue the fabric feathers onto the costume with permanent fabric glue found at your local sewing shop or craft supply store. You can cut up old t-shirts or other old clothing for the feathers. So just cut and glue. Easy, right? I think this would also work pretty well for a wild thing costume.
-dark colored tee
-fabric scraps (50-60 feathers)
-thread and sewing machine (or permanent fabric glue)
-card stock
-craft knife
-children’s sunglasses
1. Cut out the feathers from fabric scraps using the template below.
2. Begin pinning and sewing in rows from the bottom (or just line them up and glue).
3. Continue until you reach the top and then form a circle around the neckline.
4. Print out the owl mask and cut it out. With a craft knife, cut out the center eye holes.
5. Attach the mask to the sunglasses with tape. Hoot!
Click here to download the template for mask and feathers: Download file


Bat Costume


by Ellen Luckett Baker

Simple is better, so if you’re looking for a handmade idea for Halloween, try converting a t-shirt into a cute bat costume in a few quick steps. Much like my owl costume from last year, this project can be made quickly, is comfortable for kids to wear and it’s fun! It does involve a sewing machine, but even a beginner can master this one.

Just download the .pdf file with full instructions by clicking here. And click here to print the mask, cut it out and have your child wear it over sunglasses for the dark eye effect. Happy Halloween!

Vi aqui

Casinha para bonecas

Acho o máximo! Adoro estas ideias simples de reciclagem...
E quem trabalha em Educação de Infância,
sabe que às vezes, temos mesmo de "fazer omeletes sem ovos".

vi aqui

domingo, 10 de outubro de 2010

Ideias para o Halloween

When dry you can tie ribbon around the hat or even better glue feather boa around the brim!

I made a smaller one and used it to cover a lollipop! Instead of glue I just taped it on the back to make it easier to unwrap.

Supplies: Black Paper, Scissors, Circle Template (bowl, cup or plate...), Glue, Decorations for the eyes and mouth. We used googly eyes but you do not have to.

Trace two circles onto black construction paper or card stock. Use a bowl or plate. (The paper looks blue in photos but is really black.)

Fold in half then cut. You will need 3 half circles for this project.

Take one half circle. Lay in front of you with round end on bottom and flat end on top. See picture.

Fold in half to make crease. Then fold each side in forming a V crease.

When folded up it should look like this.

Turn over and glue flaps closed. Do not glue pocket shut.

Take the two half circles left and place them on top of each other. Cut wings using the photo as an example.

Glue or tape on to back of bat.

Glue on eyes and mouth.
