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My Kids Make “String Flowers” and yours can too! Find out how to make your own:
This idea came from a project we did for Valentine’s Day, called “Heart Strings”.
First, make a batch of corn starch glue. To do so, mix 1/4 cup cornstarch with 1 cup water in a small pan. Heat the mixture {and whisk well} until it is smooth. If it looks too thick, add more water. {Save any leftovers in the fridge for future use}.
Cut long pieces of yarn {1 foot}
Place flower shaped cookie cutters over pieces of parchment paper on your table or work surface.
Once the glue has cooled to the touch, pour it into small bowls for your kids to use.
Your kids will dip the pieces of yarn into the glue. {Have them remove any excess glue by running their fingers along the yarn.}
Place the glue covered yarn into a flower shaped cookie cutter. Then repeat until the cookie cutter is filled with yarn. Remove the cookie cutter, and start on a new flower.
Leave the flowers to dry overnight {or place on a parchment paper lined baking sheet. Bake at “warm” until dried, about 1hr.}
After the flowers had dried, we created the stems by using green pipe cleaners.
“String Flowers” are cute for Springtime gifts {who wouldn’t want these?}:
Or, for bringing Springtime color to your home: